Sun and the growth of green things have tempted me outside,
challenging myself to 100 piece (not day) series,
making small watercolours inspired by current location/situation/feels,
overall, somewhat ambiguous, theme of ‘things that grow’
challenging myself to 100 piece (not day) series,
making small watercolours inspired by current location/situation/feels,
overall, somewhat ambiguous, theme of ‘things that grow’

1/100 “morning face” : what comes out of my pen when pulled from slumber early in the morning to road trip

2/100 “bite you” : truck hurdled north, windshield transitioned from clear to speckled with blackish explosions

3/100 “nite wood” : still on road, road goes in and out of cut aways in Canadian shield, we go in and out of long stretches of green

4/100 “mermaid’s bite” : chorus of sailor’s mermaid upper half love repeating in head, colours of small lake change murky green, ethereal teal, pale blue, brown, gold, grey, black

5/100 “keep warm friend” : light fading, temperature dropping, wind lifts songs away, palette is reduced to browns and greys

6/100 “feeling of green” : water stills, world doubles, try to double it again, can't capture this

7/100 “that itch” : sun filters through canopy, lights dance and change on ground blanket, ants dance and change in light

8/100 “bubble pop” : people drift, bye, bubbles drift, bye, watching the bubbles

9/100 “define bloom” : obscure big band show tunes, rockabilly pop covers, conversing voices, sun blent homogeneous

10/100 “creep this” : shade keeps brain boil to gentle simmer, brush creeps black red yellow green lines

“deep dive” : light sound detail dimmed, brush to water, brush to paint, brush to paper, water, paint, paper, water, paint, paper (8 3/4” x 5 1/4”)

“bobbing for cellulose” : rain, rain, go away, really want to use the deck today (7 1/2” x 11”)

“univalve interbrain” : sky heavy grey, wind threatens recently broken branches, here there’s warmth (6 1/2” x 10”)

“obviate” sunlight brings colours, had forgotten there we so many (11” x 7 1/2”)

“air plant” : breathe, focus on the breaths, in, hold, out, in, hold, out (7 1/4” x 11”)

“ground contemplation” : feel wind, growth, colour, warmth, flat, uncomfortably sharp stone (15” x 11”)

“prevailing wind” : wind steals, makes change, changes patterns (15” x 11”)

“eaten by green” : vine meanders faster than my feet (11” x 7 1/2”)

“within reach” : moving forward, kind of, frequently changing direction, will get somewhere eventually (10” x 6 3/4”)

“goodnight blooms” : small intense lights shadow garden to abstraction, inky and blinding, colour left to flawed memory (10” x 6 3/4”)

“no, down here” : it’s never truly dark here (11” x 7 1/2”)

“youth stand guard” : bright heat on long row of young uniformed figures, stand guard they say, stand guard over dust, booms and the memories of those mostly gone (11” x 7 1/2”)

“of the dust” : as one, crowd is vibrated, deafened, and partially blinded by engines, can’t stop watching the dust and ripped earth following the machines (11” x 7 1/2”)

“they’re watching” : cover the windows, turn off the light, hide under the covers, and you might be all right (10” x 5”)

“partly parting parts” : holding still, holding on, holding back (12” x 9”)

“watch it grow” : can we stay like this? not moving, not speaking, not thinking (12” x 9”)

“nothing to see here” : don’t worry, they’re really quite friendly (10” x 5”)

“smallish talk” : don’t remember the words, just the sun, the water, distorted reflections (10” x 6 3/4”)

“cyclo-architeuthis” : focusing on what isn’t (8 1/4” x 5 3/4”)

“outer fae” : still focusing on what isn’t, this time looking up (9 1/4” x 3”)

“outer fae II” : still focusing on what isn’t, still looking up (7 1/2” x 3 1/2”)

“outer fae III” : still focusing on what isn’t, still looking up, letting mind play (9” x 4 1/2”)

“outer fae IV” : still focusing on what isn’t, still looking up, still letting mind play (7 1/2” x 5 1/2”)

“outer fae V” : still focusing on what isn’t, still looking up, still letting mind play, enjoying the process (5” x 7 1/8”)

“outer fae VI” : still focusing on what isn’t, still looking up, still letting mind play, still enjoying the process (8 5/8” x 5 1/8”)

“an ending” : moving collaging of watercolour and pen drawn elements in different direction, ready to gradually get dark

“growin’ on the mind” : everyone is smiling, don’t they know their faces will get stuck like that? (3 5/16” x 8 9/16”)

“Partially coiled” : body tired, brain bit fuzzy, scissors and pen keep moving (3 3/8” x 9 1/2”)

“moon succulents” : car jerks, stomach jerks, don’t feel quite right (6 7/8” x 5 1/8”)

“deeply masked” : people call, water calls, don’t know how to swim (5” x 10”)

“paled” : colours seem different from day to day (7 3/4” x 11 7/8”)

“monstrous ideas ” : inspiration isn’t always the kindest of processes (3 1/4” x 9 1/2”)

“staying in dreamland” : if you stay here long enough you’ll fade into it (7 1/2” x 5 1/2”)

“can you see?” : a drifty, staring kinda day (5 1/2” x 6”)

“cold dreams” : mostly dreaming of air conditioning (5” x 7 1/4”)

“sleep flowers” : imagery from dreams stayed with me today (5” x 6 7/8”)

“still sleeping” : will wake eventually? (6 5/8” x 5 1/16”)

“holding a moment” : it just may not be this one (10 7/8” x 5 3/4”)

“waiting on gone” : restless under stars i’d forgotten got so bright (5 7/8” x 7 1/2”)

“grown slowly” : surrounded by a blurring green world (4” x 7”)

“not watching you” : would prefer to keep eyes closed

“the ground went away” : so things kinda just floated

“grow towards the light” : but which one? (5 1/2” x 9 1/16”)

“barely holding up the sky” : what happens when it falls? (5 1/2” x 7 1/2”)

“dive sharply inward” : into tiny vast worlds (5” x 5 1/2”)

“purple and bending” : tiny vast world (5” x 5 7/16”)

“talk to the hand” : it screams back (5 1/8” x 7”)

“fit through” : it goes to someplace else, anywhere else (5” x 5 1/2”)

“finding air” : somewhere down here (5” x 5 1/2”)

“piece of peace” : given time it may grow (5” x 5 1/2”)

“it moves and squirms” : so hold tight (5 3/8” x 7 3/8”)

“keep the eye open” : don’t think it wants to (5” x 5 1/2”)

“cast a spell” : but keep it a secret (5” x 5 1/2”)

“holding nonsense” : but not too tight (5” x 5 1/2”)

“that doesn’t grow in the garden” : it must grow someplace (5 1/2” x 7 5/8”)

“this one doesn’t blink” : and it likes to watch (5” x 5 1/2”)

“grew a rainbow” : didn’t come out quite right (5” x 5 1/2”)

“the heart changes” : what does it turn into? (5” x 5 1/2”)

“probably not a flower” : but it seems to be alive (5 1/4” x 9 1/4”)

“they were meant to be connected” : pray the wind stays away (5” x 5 1/2”)

“more light than strain” : i like the contrast (5” x 5 1/2”)

“bright drops” : brim with life (5” x 5 1/2”)

“two wishes left” : save them for later (5 1/2” x 7 3/8”)

“friendly, friend?” : find talking gently helps somewhat (5” x 5 1/2”)

“the wings won’t flap” : might be holding them wrong (5” x 5 1/2”)

“new place of blue” : grows grey things (5” x 5 1/2”)

“it will root” : try not to shift to much (6” x 9”)

“brought you a bit of forest” : plant it in filtered light (5” x 5 1/2”)

“another place and back” : repeat till they are one (5” x 5 6/16”)

“bright fall day” : there don’t seem to be many (5” x 5 7/16”)

“held secrets” : can only hold a few more now (5 1/2” x 9 1/4”)

“nite light” : dream of nice things this time (5” x 5 1/2”)

“they’re temporary” : would you like them anyhow? (5” x 5 1/2”)

“what’s that you hold?” : none of your business (5” x 5 1/2”)

“another ending” : hasn’t happened yet, feels like it should (5” x 5 1/2”)

“what ya lookin’ at” : please stop (8 9/16” x 5 1/2”)

“safe here” : stay as long as you’d like (5” x 5 3/8”)

“down the tumbled green road” : where do you think it goes? (5” x 5 1/2”)

“imagine till it’s real” : won’t take long now (5 3/8” x 7 5/8”)

“it will flutter away” : holding on isn’t a good idea (5” x 5 1/2”)

“can’t cover the light” : it would help with sleep though (5” x 5 1/2”)

“promises of sunshine” : brighten cool colours (5” x 5 1/2”)