Muscle Suit (2015)
Hand sewn
- foam, spandex, ink, assorted hardware
Custom Sci-fi Armor and Weapon (2015)
Made to fit model
- sintra, foam, acrylic, ink, spandex, assorted hardware, 3D print, resin
Expounding Shared Faces: Mask Series (2012-13)
Characters: Babar, Kong, Balaur, Geppetto, Cambion
- wire, yarn, acrylic, mesh, glue
FOTAB Robot (2015)
Sheridan project
- sintra, glass, foam, assorted hardware, assorted electronics, wood, acrylic, ink
Augury Hop: Stop Motion Figures (2013)
Figures from stop motion short "Augury Hop" created in collaboration with Nicole Goode between January and April 2013. Figures, sets, and props created by myself. Figures painted, music composed, video created by Goode.
Characters: Sekue, Bugs, Gorp, Gorp 2, Mag, Marny, Piper, Po, Von Urkle, Zorbok
- latex, wire, wood, urethane foam, ink, acrylic paint, assorted hardware. 
Swotting Archetypes: Marionette Series (2012-2013)
Characters: Arlequin and Columbine, Pantalone and Franceschina, Captain and Doctor, ​Vittoria and Lelio, ​Brighella and Pierrot
- wire, plaster, latex, string, assorted junk
This and that (2010-16)
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