Followed along April Colors 2021. Created images in Illustrator.
Day 30: Redraw an Old Piece
Day 30: Redraw an Old Piece
Day 29: Iridescent
Day 29: Iridescent
Day 28: Sunset Colors
Day 28: Sunset Colors
Day 27: Atmospheric Perspective
Day 27: Atmospheric Perspective
Day 26: Swap the Colors of Two Things
Day 26: Swap the Colors of Two Things
Day 25: Use a Grey You Mix w/Colors
Day 25: Use a Grey You Mix w/Colors
Day 24: Color Match From Life
Day 24: Color Match From Life
Day 23: Verdant Colors
Day 23: Verdant Colors
Day 22: Bioluminescent
Day 22: Bioluminescent
Day 21: Thirty Minute Study
Day 21: Thirty Minute Study
Day 20: Cross-complimentary Colors
Day 20: Cross-complimentary Colors
Day 19: Color Pick From a Photo
Day 19: Color Pick From a Photo
Day 18: Landscape Study
Day 18: Landscape Study
Day 17: Use Only Three Colors
Day 17: Use Only Three Colors
Day 16: Your pet(s) or dream pet(s)
Day 16: Your pet(s) or dream pet(s)
Day 15: Underwater
Day 15: Underwater
Day 14: Muted Colors
Day 14: Muted Colors
Day 13: 15 Minute Study(ies)
Day 13: 15 Minute Study(ies)
Day 12: Dappled Light
Day 12: Dappled Light
Day 11: Triadic Colors
Day 11: Triadic Colors
Day 10: Glowing Light Source
Day 10: Glowing Light Source
Day 9: Your Least-used Color (it's yellow)
Day 9: Your Least-used Color (it's yellow)
Day 8: Fruit x Animal Hybrid
Day 8: Fruit x Animal Hybrid
Day 7: Analogous Colors
Day 7: Analogous Colors
Day 6: Big Brushes Only
Day 6: Big Brushes Only
Day 5: Something Soft
Day 5: Something Soft
Day 4: Accent Color, a bug I saw last fall
Day 4: Accent Color, a bug I saw last fall
Day 3: 5 Minute Study(ies), a look at expressions
Day 3: 5 Minute Study(ies), a look at expressions
Day 2: Complimentary Colors, portrait of Napo
Day 2: Complimentary Colors, portrait of Napo
Day 1: Mossy
Day 1: Mossy
On my mind
On my mind
Safely masked
Safely masked
Portrait of Welly
Portrait of Welly
Bubble living
Bubble living
Letting go
Letting go
The missed
The missed
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